Tuesday, September 23, 2008

If there is anyone reading this, please comment or write in a short note. I'm already missing you all at home!!!

I'm such a wimp. I miss all of you...especially Ben, Sammy, and Genny. AND I'VE ONLY BEEN AWAY FOR 8 HOURS!!! O well...

Please write and let me know how all of you are doing?

Until next time...

Chris Looker


Anonymous said...

I'm reading this, but two hours later! You'll have to stop writing "Sammy" or Sam will get embarrassed. We love you and miss you. Things are uneventful here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!
I hope that you are successful in fixing the problems with the water supply to the community you are visiting. A worthy goal! I'm not a blogger but will try to keep my eye on what's happening with you. All my best wishes, MJ [Marcy Jean]

Susi said...

Well, I am sorry to hear that you are already missing your family. I have survived the first two days. I have been assigned to the Emergency Room and to the Maternal/Infant floor and get to start visiting patients tomorrow. I know that Bill, John and you will be having a great successful trip, so relax and enjoy the experience.

Deb said...

Hi Chris!
We are reading and praying for you. I'm so glad you decided to blog about this and look forward to hearing about your mission!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!
I can comment on your blog from home but not from the work computer. I'm glad you are writing this blog to keep all of us informed of your mission. Good luck and we miss you too! Your trip will go by fast and you will be back with us in no time!

Susan H.