Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finally, a hot shower! Yippee!!!

Dear Loved Ones:

Today, I had my first hot shower! What a great feeling that was!!! The electricity was on, the water heater worked, the water came out of the shower, and I experienced a wonderful "baptism" that lasted about 1 hour!!! That's enough information on that!

We went to the Protestant University of Congo. We met with officials, professors, students, and the dean of the Seminary. They have a Law School, Seminary, and School of Economics. The students were fantastic. While there I visited the American Corner, a building where students and graduates seek to provide information about the USA...both negative and positive.

While there the students began asking me questions about God, the Bible, Jesus, the Book of Revelation, why there is poverty, why bad things happen to good people, and much, much more. Three hours later, the students and staff members still had questions, but it was time to move on. Boy, can I talk a lot!!! I can only hope and pray that God used me to His glory during this wonderful time of evangelism. I guess I had forgotten how much I loved to teach students who have such exceptional and inquisitive questions.

During the discussion, I really felt that God's Holy Spirit was beautifully present. One of the young man told me how he almost lost his life to sinful living. He didn't go into the details, but began to cry while he was sharing his pain with Bill and me. Another young man expressed his longing for a real relationship with God. I shared the Good News of the Gospel with him. And he received it with an amazing amount of excitement. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed being an evangelist to young men and women who are searching for a deeper relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and God's Holy Spirit.

We covered a great deal in the discussion. I can't really remember what I said, but Bill said that I did a good job. I thought he did a great job. I guess we make a great Evangelism team!!!

I have to say that it was one of the greatest days in my life! Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with young people who were so hungry for it and eager to receive it into their lives. God is so good. I know that this event was not something that Bill or me could ever have planned. It just happened. God caused it happen. And, it was amazing! God's amazing grace!

By the way, did I mention that I had a hot shower today?

After visiting the students, we went to the cathedral next door. Believe it or not they told us that it could seat 24,000 people. IT WAS HUGE!!!!! We sat and prayed inside and I took some pictures.

Then, we went to a little restaurant to have lunch. The waiter was nice enough to tell us what they had to serve: fish or beef. Then, he informed us that most Americans who eat the fish (smoked) get sick. Guess what? We both ordered the beef!!

Next, we visited the Christian printing press. They had some amazing equipment. I love looking at printing presses. The power had gone out and the people and machines were not working. But, as soon as we went into the main printing press room, the lights went on. Bill and I received a standing ovation from the workers, as if we had anything to do with it!! They knew we were pastors and just assumed that somehow we were the reason that the electricity went back on. It's amazing how pastors are sometimes looked at as "good luck charms."

Then, we went to the downtown area and looked at the buildings and the Old Post Office. It was very impressive. When I got my camera out to take pictures, a policeman came up to me and told me that I could only take pictures if I paid him 5 dollars (American). I declined. Walked away to the place where we were going to catch a taxi, waited until he turned away, and took one or two pictures. I am such a rebel!!!

By the way, have I mentioned that I took a HOT SHOWER today? It was GREAT!

After downtown, we went to the American School of Congo. Bill wanted to show me the plaque that was erected in loving memory of his son, Jeffrey Metzel. It was beautiful and reminded me of a moment not to long ago when I visited my brother's grave stone in Lock Haven, PA with my two sons, Ben and Sam. Bill was very strong and noticed that there were three small trees that were growing in front of it. He held them back while I took his picture in front of the beautiful memorial. And, then we turned to leave and I felt an urge to go back and push down those three small trees. I pushed them down and the memorial was clearly visable and so very beautiful. We're going to go back and clean it with some soap and water.

I have been and continue to be so impressed and in awe of Bill Metzels faith and physical strength. I hope and pray that I can move like that when I'm 81 years old!!! I can hardly keep up with him! And, that moment at his son's memorial. All I could think of was how he must have been John would feel when he saw it. And, I thought that his desire to come back and clean it up was a beautiful moment. We're going to do it tomorrow. It's the right thing to do.

Finally, we left and walked down the hill to the Methodist/Presbyterian Hostel, where I we are staying and where I am right now. We ate dinner with a wonderful and faithful Mennonite missionary...just the three of us. John and his beloved friend (and adopted brother), "Andre", were out doing chores and visiting Andre's sister, who had just lost her husband suddenly of a heart attack.

We had all visited her the night before and had prayer together. She prayed in Tshiluba (I hope and pray that I am spelling that right). It is the language of the Lubondai area. John and Bill speak it fluently. I don't understand a word of it, but coming from Marilyn's mouth, it sounded like the most beautiful and sacred music I ever heard. We visited for about an hour in her apartment, half of the time we sat and talked in candlelight. Then, about a half hour into the visit, the lights went on. Again, Bill, John, and I received a rousing ovation. Again, as if we had anything to do with the power going on!! It was funny and all of us laughed together.

We went back to the Methodist/Presbyterian Hostel, talked into the wee hours of the night, and went to bed.

O, by the way, did I mention that I got my first hot shower in four days today? I guess I did!

Now, it is about 12:00 midnight (Kinshasa time) and I'm the only one up. I'm going to conclude this so that I can get some much-needed rest.

I love you all very, very much. And, I miss you terribly...especially my beloved wife, Genny, and sons, Ben and Sammy. I received a text message from Ben today. I was pleasantly surprised. It filled my heart with joy. I texted him back and hope that he received it. I'm not all that skilled at text messaging or advanced technological stuff. This is my first blog and I still am not all that sure how it works.

Unfortunately, I am not able (or knowledgable enough) to find any comments that any of you may be writing in response to my blog. I'll keep searching and trying to figure out how to access that. Please don't stop commenting on this blog. When I find the comments, it will be a real shot in the arm filled with joy.

Finally, if you want to reach me by email (my Cox email account doesn't work over here), please email me at: Gmail works over here like a champ!!!

Please continue to pray for us as we take our next step in this missionary journey. We're going to fly out to Kananga (I hope I spelled that right) and then drive down to Lubondai on Saturday. It's Thursday now (woops, it's now Friday because it's 12:08 am!!!).

I've got to get some sleep.

By the way, did I mention that I got a hot shower today...

Until the next time...

Chris Looker


Cara said...

I take it that the people you are visiting take the electricity outages, lack of hot water, and such in stride - because it's normal for them. What things do they consider luxuries?

Stay well, stay safe, all of you. We are praying for You, John, Bill, and all the people who's lives you touch.

Susi said...

Hey, I heard that you got to take a hot shower :). Seriously, it is so good to hear that God is blessing this work and that God is using you to change the lives of these young people. I am continuing to pray for all three of you and the many lives you are touching.

Mujinga said...

Thank you so much for keeping us up to date, Chris! I feel like I'm travelling with you guys.

Marta said...

I am so happy to read your messages, and that things are working out well. I am convimced that God was speaking through you when you talked to the young people, and I am sure He will continue working with you. But we are also looking forward to your return! God bless you.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like such a wonderful trip. Could you tell us a bit about what the country looks like too?

Sent you an email on how to read comments.
Keep writing, we all feel like we are traveling with you!


Anonymous said...

I hope the readers will not be discouraged if the blog is less regular as Chris, Bill and John travel upcountry. Internet connectivity will probably be difficult at Lubondai, if not Kananga.
